How to Turn Your Database Into Passive Revenue

Realtors and Lenders are missing one of the greatest opportunities to radically improve their cash flow because of one decision that for some reason, they haven’t made.

Do you know how valuable your database is? If you’re not viewing your database as the economic asset it is, chances are that you’re not prioritizing it, and therefore not getting as much revenue from your database as you could be. 

In this video, Todd Duncan shows you 4 financial models that you can COPY yourself that add up to cash flow abundance. I’m serious – just copy them and you will be blown away.

How much is your database worth?

Many loan originators don’t nurture their database, and that’s mostly because they don’t realize how much money they’re leaving on the table. 

Here’s the problem: 

You are leaving millions of dollars of income on the table because you haven’t made the decision to nurture your network.

To solve this problem, we have created four models to get life-changing revenue out of our database.

The four financial models to create cash flow abundance.

Model #1: Mortgage Professional Implementing Borrower Loyalty

Model #2: Real Estate Agent Implementing Buyer and Seller Loyalty

Model #3: Mortgage Professional Implementing Agent Loyalty

Model #4: Mortgage Professional Implementing Agent Cash Flow

To understand these models, please watch the video above.

Need More Help?

If you’re ready to win big like the lender above, we can align you with one of our High-Performance coaches. Schedule your free 30 minute call here to learn what we can do for your business!


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High Trust Sales Academy

Nov 28 – Dec 1, 2023
Todd Duncan speaking at a High Trust Sales Academy event

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