The Best Scripts to Increase Your Conversions

Before we jump into the scripts, which I’m sure is why you clicked on this blog – let’s review a few things.

When we say increase conversions, you don’t need to 10x, 3x, or even double your conversions to start to see an incredible financial lift. Because when you can get anything over 1% increase in your conversion rate of borrowers to actual applications that go in processing and close, this can translate into thousands of more in revenue every month.

So, in this article, I’m going to lead you through a series of things that you can do immediately to begin to scale up in the areas that matter most so you can boost your conversions and turn conversations into closed deals (or new partnerships).

In this article, I’m going to literally share with you several scripts that will increase your income by $10,000 to $30,000. These scripts are designed to be very clear, poignant, straightforward, and they can be interchanged in various situations, depending on who you’re talking to. 

You can modify some of the words if you want, but at the end of day, it’s probably more important to understand the psychology behind the script and memorize it and begin to convert and use them the way that you’d like. 


Setting Appointments with Existing Partners

We often forget to nurture those existing relationships, but I can’t underscore how much money you may be leaving on the table when you don’t.

The key is to know and continue to ask about your partners’ pain points so you can find ways to serve them and bring value in every interaction.

Here’s the script I recommend using:

“I’ve been connected to an amazing sales productivity concept and a focal point is how to add real value to my Referral Partners. It dawned on me that I have so much more to offer you than I have at this point, even though we’re successful together. What I would love to do is come by for a catch up, ask you some strategic questions, share some business building ideas with you and take our relationship to the next level. When would be a good time to meet?”


Setting Appointments with New Partner Prospects

This script is perfect for somebody who’s been referred to you. We always teach about leading with your unique value proposition – the one we love having people use is called Consumer Referral Program. 

Mortgage professional beware: 

Don’t freak out about offering a Consumer Referral Program – if you don’t think you have one (yet!). 

So, if I have a phone call set up and I’m trying to set an appointment with a new realtor somebody that I want to do business with, that I’ve been referred to them, I’d use this script:

“Hi there, my name is Todd Duncan with XYZ Lending. The purpose of my call is to introduce you to our new Consumer Referral Program. It is offered on an exclusive basis to Agents to whom we have been referred to. John thought you would be interested in this program where we refer buyers and sellers to you each month for you to service their real estate needs. Last month I was able to refer three buyers to John. What I would like to do is come by for 30-45 minutes at a time convenient with your schedule. I’d like to spend that time evaluating what you look for in working with a lender, share with you some of the things we offer Agents, and introduce you to the Consumer Referral Program. How does this sound to you?”

These are just two of 13 scripts I walk you through in this comprehensive video training right here.

If you’re ready to take your conversions to the next level, I highly recommend that you jump in now, listen to the entire training and start getting proficient with when and how to use these scripts.

Not only will they give you more confidence to establish and nurture new deals, but you’ll start to see new ways that you can bring consistent value to your referral and partner relationships.



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