I’m sure you’re seeing it each and every week. There are a lot of events coming at you and how exciting that we are back to live events and how exciting that there’s a lot of options for you to consider. I believe that one of the key criteria for any success in any market is a commitment to learning, growing, and getting better. I want to tell you a story about my first year in the loan business, I got out of college and I had this opportunity to look at a couple different job options. I had never really thought that I would be in the mortgage business. And by the time that the summer had come and gone, I had been hired by a mortgage company and I was officially a professional loan officer. Didn’t have a lot of training, but I had a lot of grit.
And my manager basically told me, “Here’s the deal. Here’s who you call on. Here’s how you call on him and go out and slay him.” And I went out, I got slayed. And I got slayed because I didn’t have skills and I didn’t have knowledge and pure grit is not going to get it. Talent is just not going to get it. You got to have talent, but you got to have knowledge. And so I applaud everybody who’s hosting events right now. And I think a great opportunity for everybody in our industry to begin to look at, “Where do you need your skills to be awakened and where do you need to sharpen things?” I’m very proud of the fact that when I was 23, I spent $99 to go to a realtor training session and the reason I went to this training session is because my mentor said, in order to serve real estate agents, you got to understand real estate.
Benefits of Attending Live Events
So I made a really interesting commitment. My first year as a loan officer, I decided to spend a thousand dollars that year on going to real estate events. And then I got really clear that maybe I should go to a mortgage event as well, right? So I did that and I began really watching my business grow and I remembered how great it was to be able to connect with people, to see a network, a community of like-minded professionals. I remember sitting in the audience and taking voracious notes. I didn’t want to miss a thing. And I remember the idea that it didn’t matter what event I went to, what mattered is what I got from it and then what I did with it. And so I just kept doing this and I kept doing this and I kept doing this.
I really attracted a lot of great real estate agents because it became widely known that I had concepts and strategies that would help them win. I obviously had a secure place in my role in my company being number one or number two every single month because I was learning faster than anybody else was learning. And I think that for everybody right now, as you watch this quick video, the idea is we’ve come out of a marketplace where business has been kind of handed to us and we’re in the middle of it right now. We’re in the middle of a correction. We’re in the middle of a pivot. And what I don’t want you to do is panic. But what I do want you to do is just honor the idea that you need to learn, grow, get better, and you need to sharpen your skills.
How to Figure Out Which Live Event to Attend
I think there’s of events out there that are about the event. I think there’s very few events out there that are about you. We’re celebrating our 30th anniversary for Sales Mastery. There’s no way that an event can be in its 30th year if it didn’t provide the value. I’ve been to a lot of events where you get tactics, it doesn’t feel right. You get hacks, it doesn’t feel right. I’ve been to events where the people on stage just pound their chest and we try very hard not to have that happen. We’ve also seen that there’s just a lot of people that don’t have the spotlight focused on you. They have the spotlight light focused on themselves when they’re on stage. And man, there’s nothing wrong with being proud of what you’ve accomplished and achieving greatness to the point where you can share with other people.
Best Mortgage Live Event to Attend This Year
I would like to make sure that if I go to an event and I spend my time and my energy and my money, I would like that event to change my life. And so that’s what we do every year at Sales Mastery. We put together an event that’s two and a half days. We put it together with really quality like-minded people. Our event this year is celebrating 30 years and we’re going to do that October 11th through to 14th. And here’s what’s really cool. We’re going to do it at the same hotel I did the first one at in 1992. The difference is, we’re going to go from 257 attendees to 2000 attendees, which is what we do each year when we’re live. And I got to tell you, the lineup is about innovation. It’s about elevation. It’s about domination. It’s about what are the skilled tactics? What are the mindsets?
We even have neuroscientists coming in to talk about how to rewire the brain in a tough and difficult market. We’ve got some really amazing veterans from the marketplace that are going to be coming in and talking about how to navigate and make choice in tough times. We have amazing panelists and amazing presenters lined up. And if you’ve ever been to Sales Mastery, you know that we deliver the goods. So hats off to you, man. Get knowledge, get it fast. Don’t go to too many events. Go to the events that matter most and go to the events that literally are committed to transforming your life and your business. And we’d like to invite you to attend Sales Mastery this year. Get back on top with your skills, no matter what it takes. Sharpen the skills, awaken your knowledge, recommit and reconnect and you are going to set yourself up for a great run. And in difficult times, you’ll be at the top instead of the bottom. All right? Action.