Picture this…

You’ve had a great call.
You followed the High Trust Sales process.
You get off the call SURE you’re going to close the deal.

And, then…


The expectation on the lender side was that the agent was going to start referring business and the agent was under the expectation they would start referring business.

But, instead of deals getting closed.

A week later, two weeks later, a month later, six months later, nothing has happened!

Want to know the REAL reason?

You must leverage the power of Following Up

I can’t underscore how important following up is. 

Think of it this way, if you leave the call with one expectation and the person on the other line is assuming something entirely different – then you both walk away completely unsure of what comes next.

And, uncertainty is the kryptonite to progress.

That’s why it’s so important to approach every conversation you have from a space of partnership. Because when you view the other person – no matter who they are – you’ll show up very differently in the interaction and you’ll take ownership of the next steps after every conversation.

How to master follow-ups that turn into closed deals.

The numbers don’t lie…

In all of our studies, only 15 out of every 100 mortgage professionals have an integrated action plan to follow up after a sales call.

Which means only 85% (or more) of mortgage professionals are losing out on closing more deals, all because they never followed up!

That’s why you want to always recap your call, come up with next steps, and get a verbal commitment to completing the action steps before ending the call.

Don’t let a single week go by without following up and showing them you’re not just interested in their partnership, but you take it seriously.

Getting a “YES” on a sales call

If I have a great interview with a real estate agent with whom I want to rely on for referrals and we both feel that we can bring value to one another…

So, when the trust and emotions are high – set in motion your next steps on the spot.

Here’s what this would look like:

Step 1: Take out your phone. You must assume that when you get off the call, life will happen. Don’t put off anything you can do when you have the other person on the call.

Remember, if it’s not on the schedule, it likely won’t happen.

Step 2: Come up with a schedule to check in. Whether it’s every Friday, once every other week, whatever you both agree to – just agree to concrete check ins with dates. 

Also, make sure to also agree on a length for your check ins. Are you doing a quick 5-minute call? A more detailed hour long check in? Or something in between?

The key is to get clear on when and in what format you’ll be following up. And stick to it!

Step 3: Create an actionable question to answer. Following up is great, but you want to make sure everyone is clear on the expected deliverable for the next follow up. Are you expecting an agent to have contacted 10 potential leads? 

Something like: “Who are you going to show property to in the next 1 to 4 weeks that I haven’t met with yet?”

I would create action-oriented questions around tangible and specific outcomes you want out of the partnership.

The reason why you want to ask them every single week is because if you’re asking them and the agent is thinking about them, then business is going to happen.

Plus, these questions help to convey to the agent (or even potential client) that you are serious about honoring their time, their success, and in bringing value in every interaction.

So, if you are guilty of not following up in the kind of way that I outlined in this blog, then create a plan and stick to it.

The money is in the follow up. Don’t let easy money get lost in the shuffle.

Want to close 4x more deals? Let me train you how!

I’ve been quietly working on an exciting new way for you and I to partner together for 4 weeks to help you turn every conversation you have into a CLOSED DEAL.

Make no mistake…

The conversion mastery principles you’ll learn with me have positioned the BIGGEST names in the mortgage industry to hit $50M… $80M… even up to $150M+ in annual revenue this year.

Click here to see what you’ll learn in Conversion Xcelerator LIVE!

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High Trust Sales Academy

Nov 28 – Dec 1, 2023
Todd Duncan speaking at a High Trust Sales Academy event

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