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Conversion Xcelerator LIVE

4 Weeks to Master How to Convert Every Conversation Into a Closed Deal

October 10th - November 2nd

8 Virtual Sessions

Be one of the first to join Todd Duncan for a rare live training experience designed to increase your conversions AND overflood your pipeline.

Register Today for $497

My financial goals are worth this investment!

Conversion Xcelerator LIVE

How to Turn A Conversation On the Books…
…Into Cash In the Bank

Don’t let high interest rates… low inventory… or competition ever stop you from having the record-breaking year you deserve.

Because when you master the art of conversion, then you’ll unlock unstoppable success.

This unique 4-week training program is meticulously designed to empower you with the mindset, strategies, and techniques you need to elevate your business to unprecedented heights.

Say goodbye to stress and uncertainty, and say hello to a future bursting with financial abundance, fulfillment, and EASE!

Learn the 4 Conversion Mastery Principles that the top 1% of mortgage professionals are using to close every conversation.

Enroll Now for $497

Why You Can’t Afford to Miss This

1. High Interest Rates

With the Fed promising more rate hikes through the end of the year, the rockiness in today’s economy is not going anywhere – any time soon! The time is NOW to learn the right principles and strategies you need to convert the leads you do have into sales.

2. Low Inventory

You can’t sell what’s not available. And, all signs are pointing to even less inventory through the holidays. Which is why you want to make sure you’re well positioned NOW so that when you do close one loan, you know exactly how to turn it into new loans, new referrals, and new (and consistent) streams of income.

3. Competition

Now more than ever, it’s becoming harder and harder to get people through the door. From offering insane incentives, to cutting your already thin margins, there’s a lot you “could” do to try to beat the competition. Or, you can set yourself completely apart and learn what works to make the competition completely IRRELEVANT!

Get My Seat for $497

I don’t want to miss this opportunity!

4 Weeks of Mastery to Close More Deals

Join Now for $497

I’m ready to master what it takes to close more deals!

Don’t Let a Question Stop You From Registering

Here are the answers you’re looking for

If you’re a mortgage professional who’s ready to increase conversions and close more deals, then this experience was designed for YOU. From expert trainings, to live Q&A’s every week, Todd gives you everything you need to learn how to consistent “win”, even in this rollercoaster economy.

You’ll meet twice a week with Todd. Every Tuesday at 10am PT/1pm ET, you’ll learn a new High Trust Sales Mastery Principle and every Thursday at 10am PT/1pm ET you’ll have a live 60-minute Q&A to ask questions as you apply what you learn. This gives you 8 unique touchpoints with Todd to position your business (and your mindset) to thrive!

All sessions will be virtual, via Zoom at 10am PT/1pm ET. You’ll meet with Todd on Tuesday and Thursday, between October 9th and November 2nd. We highly recommend that you attend each session live, however, all session recordings will be provided to you via a private portal.

Give Todd 8 hours, over the course of 4 weeks, and we promise you’ll see a noticeable difference in the results you’re getting in your business. When attendees commit to showing up and doing the work, it’s not uncommon for them to 3x their closed deals within 30 days of completing the 4-week program.

It’s not uncommon for people who work with Todd and apply the High Trust Sales Mastery principles he teaches to see a significant increase in their business revenue. In some cases, students have experienced a 500% lift after attending his programs. But, more money is just one of the many benefits you can enjoy. More confidence, greater productivity, limitless freedom – are all things that previous students have achieved as a result of applying what they learn from Todd.

High Trust Sales Academy (HTSA) is a 4-day, in-depth training that Todd holds only once a year, in-person, and it is limited to just 250 mortgage professionals. The Conversion Xcelerator LIVE is a virtual 4-week experience that is a great kickstarter that gives you the key principles that HTSA builds off of. During HTSA, you’re working closely with Todd to build a powerful plan for your business and team for an entire team.

The Xcelerator Masterclass was just a “taste test” of what you’ll experience in this program. Conversion Xcelerator LIVE goes well beyond just surface-level “theories” and takes you step-by-step through how to rapidly execute on the strategies you’ll learn to get results in 30 days or less.

High interest rates aren’t going anywhere any time soon. Add to that low inventory and fierce competition, there is a lot standing in your way from generating the income you deserve. This 4-week experience walks you through the strategies that you need NOW to increase your results through the holidays. Not registering for this could very well mean the difference between struggling to hit your financial goals and crushing them beyond your wildest dreams.

This may sound like a BOLD promise, but the principles you’ll master are what the top mortgage professionals are using right now to have $15M+ revenue years.

Want to know about group rates? Have a different question? Feel free to email us at: Please allow 1-2 business days to receive a response.

It’s About Time That YOU Controlled Your Business

Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from the best in the industry.

Todd Duncan’s Conversion Xcelerator LIVE is your sales passport to a future FULL of financial success, professional satisfaction, and completely stress-free achievement.

Get your spot today and finally get the roadmap you’ve been looking for to win BIG in this economy.

Join Now for $497

I’m serious about getting better results in my business.

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